
What Should Be in Your blog Marketing Report

Whether you want to carry out an in-depth analysis of your promotional campaign’s performance or check if your marketing strategy needs refinement, A marketing Report blog is absolutely vital. It helps an organization perform better by keeping a check across all marketing channels and letting you know of any loopholes that may hinder performance iganony.  

These Report blogs collect data that is shared with your clients, marketing team, and managers. This may include market research, goals and can be used for customer appreciation day for expected outcomes, and much more. Marketing Report blogs are usually created on a monthly basis so that you can keep a more frequent check.  

Here’s what you need to include in your marketing Report blog: 

Goals and Objectives 

It is important to set a reminder of what you want to ultimately achieve from your marketing strategies or campaigns. To start off, take into consideration what the marketing department will contribute towards achieving the bigger goals. This will set a focal point for the entire Report blog. Moreover, it even gives a clear perspective to your entire team. Hence, they will be able to carry out comparisons between the actual figures and the initial objectives.  

If you are clear about your objectives, everything that happens after will make greater sense. You’ll be able to see how each area contributes to the overall goal and how it fits into the final picture. You should compare the ongoing progress with that of your final goal, in each and every Report blog. The potential goal target may include your website’s traffic sources and leads brought in per month. Moreover, it can also include your annual or monthly revenue, CSAT score, and lead conversion rates.  

Being able to distinguish where you stand in comparison to the target will aid you in making the necessary tweaks to your strategy. Inform your team about the reason behind these goals and then assess their methods.  

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Data from Email Marketing 

You can view the total amount of traffic visiting your site through the metrics for website traffic and SEO. However, it might be difficult to take into notice the people who are subscribed and actively engaged with your content. This can be resolved through email marketing sections as they keep track of the web traffic converting into leads and subscribers. It educates your team about the resonated messages, outreach progress, popular services and products, and engaged contacts.  

This section specifically has a few stats and numbers which include the email’s sent receipt, open rate, delivery status, bounce rate, new subscribers, CTR, and unsubscribes.  By using these stats, you can easily decipher the email campaigns that were most effective. Additionally, you can even decide what type of messages best resonate with your audience.  

Since these emails directly affect the sales pipeline, such information is vital for the department of sales. This is because if you notice your audience showing interest to a particular service or product offering, your department in charge of sales may be able to find ways to incorporate it into future conversations.  

Website Analytics blog

 You have the basis to respond to inquiries regarding your website performance and marketing plan thanks to SEO statistics and website analytics. It aids in your comprehension of both the number of visitors you receive to your site and their actions while they are there. You can start by checking your website’s traffic numbers by breaking them down into blog traffic, unique visitors, and organic vs paid traffic.  

You can shift towards a different perspective, once your traffic stats are in laid out. Make sure you specifically keep in check the current trends in comparison to those of last week. Apart from this, track the areas showing progress and those that aren’t. Since every business is unique, you have the option of including or excluding certain metrics as required. This is so because it might be that your company might not have any paid traffic, SEM, or even a blog. Whatever the case, there are still some SEO points that you may add to your marketing Report blog. These include PPC, visit duration average, attribution, and page rankings.  


Since a marketing Report blog holds immense importance, it is essential that you make a thorough one. Additionally, include all the necessary items to make it effective. Moreover, in order for it to work seamlessly, make sure you define a purpose and clear goals. This will help set a focal point for your employees. Furthermore, it is vital that your Report blog is as simple and straightforward as possible.

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Baddie Huh

Baddiehuh Is a highly experienced SEO expert with over three years of experience. He is working as a contributor on many reputable blog sites, You can contact me by Email:

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