
The // blog WordPress Security Tips To Prevent Your Site from Being Hacked

The // blog With over 60% market share, WordPress powers millions of websites worldwide. Its open-source nature provides flexibility and customization options that make WordPress a popular choice baddiehuh

However, without proper security measures in place, WordPress sites can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks and hacking. Implementing robust WordPress security is crucial for preventing your site from being compromised.

Keep Plugins and Themes Updated to Prevent Hacks

Outdated plugins and themes are a leading cause of WordPress vulnerabilities. Developers release regular security patches to fix flaws, but sites must run updated versions to benefit. Failing to update plugins and themes leaves your site an easy target the // blog:

Update Plugins Frequently

Plugins extend WordPress functionality but also introduce risks. Using too many unnecessary plugins increases the attack surface. Disable inactive plugins and limit plugins to reputable sources. Sign up for plugin update notifications and patches promptly.

Switch to Supported Themes

Like plugins, themes can harbor security issues in code. Use only actively maintained, supported themes from trusted publishers like StudioPress and ThemeIsle. Avoid pirated or altered themes that are high-risk.

Auto-Update Core WordPress

The core WordPress software can become vulnerable too. Enable auto-updates for a hassle-free way to keep WordPress core patched. Also manually update to major new versions which auto-update won’t cover.

Keeping plugins, themes, and core WordPress updated closes security gaps that leave sites open to SQL injections, cross-site scripting, unauthorized access, and other hacks. It also improves performance. Don’t give hackers an easy win – update early and often.

Leverage Strong Passwords and Limit Access

Weak passwords make brute-force hacks possible. Restricting admin access prevents unauthorized changes if credentials are compromised. Smart password and access policies secure WordPress:

Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Generate long, random passwords for each site user and service. Use a password manager to create and store strong credentials.

Change Passwords Regularly

Force regular password changes for all users to maintain security. Change immediately if any indication of compromise. Require strong reset passwords.

Limit Admin User Access

Reduce how many users have admin access which allows full site control. Review roles regularly and restrict them based on need. Don’t allow unused admin accounts to remain.

Install Login Lockdown

plugins deter brute force attacks by limiting login attempts. They block IP addresses after failed logins. Some send alerts for suspicious activity.

Robust passwords and limited site access prevent unauthorized changes and deny hackers admin powers if they breach your site iganony.

Don’t stream on Pirated sites

When streaming on pirated content sites it can easily invite hackers and risk your device security. Also,  It is a big penalty for watching illegal streams online, don’t risk your privacy and be secure by using safety measures.

Use Security Keys and Two-Factor Authentication

Adding two-factor authentication (2FA) requires providing two credentials to log in, such as a security key or verification code. 2FA makes infiltrating accounts drastically harder:

Enable Two-Factor for All Users

Require all users, especially admins, to enable two-factor authentication through plugins like Google Authenticator or Duo Security. SMS text verification is also an option.

Use U2F Security Keys

Physical security keys that connect via USB provide the strongest 2FA protection. YubiKey is a leading brand.

Install a Two-Factor Plugin

WordPress plugins like Google Authenticator, Authy, and Clef integrate directly with WordPress for easy 2FA setup. Support U2F keys, SMS, apps, and backup codes.

With 2FA and physical security keys, a password alone will not grant access. Even if credentials are phished or hacked, intruders cannot access accounts or make changes without the second verification factor.

Backup Your Site to Recover from Hacks

Despite best efforts, hacked sites happen. Restoring from a recent, clean backup allows fast recovery with minimal disruption and data loss. Solid backups can save your business:

Schedule Offsite Backups

Automate daily or weekly backups stored offsite, either manually or via a cloud backup service like VaultPress. Offsite storage protects backups from local failures or attacks.

Test Restoration Regularly

Verify backups by regularly restoring a copy to a test environment. Confirm it works, logs in properly, and has all required data. Faulty backups lead to trouble.

Store Backups Encrypted

Encrypt backups, including offsite ones. Encryption guards backups if storage is compromised. Manage encryption keys separately from backups.

With working backups ready, getting hacked does not mean starting over entirely. You can simply restore to swiftly resume normal operations. Test restoration to verify backup integrity.

Harden Your Website Code for Added Protection

Useful hardening techniques include:

Change Default wp-admin URL

Obscure the default wp-admin login page by changing the URL via the wp-config file. This hides it from brute-force login attempts.

Disable File Editing

Disable file editing in wp-config to prevent injection of malicious code into theme and plugin files. Also, block PHP execution in uploads folders.

Disable XML-RPC

XML-RPC allows remote communication with your site which can enable DDoS attacks. Disable if not needed for remote publishing to block this attack vector.

Use Security Plugins

Wordfence and iThemes Security offer web application firewalls, malware scans, and other protections.

Hardening WordPress locks out many attacks, significantly improving site security. Developers can help harden sites beyond basic measures like obscuring wp-login pages.

VPN (Virtual Private Network) 

Virtual Private Network provides broad and secure protection from hackers. It helps users to hide their IP addresses and provide high encrypted performance. Users can easily use a virtual private network with this free VPN with no signup and take advantage of the VPN, it will surely help you to save from hackers.

What are some common WordPress security threats?

Common WordPress security threats include brute force attacks, exploitation of vulnerable plugins/themes, compromised user accounts, SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), distributed denial of service (DDoS), and phishing. Proper security controls mitigate these risks.

Should I avoid free WordPress plugins and themes?

Free plugins and themes from the official WordPress repository are generally safe if you stick to popular choices that are well-maintained and updated. Avoid free plugins/themes from questionable or random sites, which are much higher risk.

How often should I back up my WordPress site?

Back up your WordPress site daily to have recent restore points available if your site is compromised. Critical sites may warrant backups every few hours to prevent major data loss. Test restoration monthly.

What are some good two-factor authentication options?

Good 2FA options for WordPress include Google Authenticator, Authy, Duo Security, Clef, and YubiKey hardware security keys. Use apps for convenience or physical keys for maximum security.

Can my host help improve WordPress security?

Managed WordPress hosts like WP Engine offer added security benefits like auto-updates, backups, web application firewalls, and 24/7 monitoring and response. Discuss options to have your host bolster defenses.


A hacked WordPress site can mean lost revenue, corrupted data, and reputational damage. But following WordPress security best application greatly reduces your risk. Keep plugins, themes, and core WordPress updated. Use strong passwords and limit admin access. Enable two-factor authentication.

 Back up regularly and offsite. Harden sites by obscuring wp-login, disabling file editing, and installing a web application firewall. With the right precautions, you can confidently run your site knowing it is safe from compromise. Prioritizing strong WordPress security protects your investment and business.

Read Also: the // blog, the :// blog

Baddie Huh

Baddiehuh Is a highly experienced SEO expert with over three years of experience. He is working as a contributor on many reputable blog sites, You can contact me by Email:

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