What Would You Change if You Had a Chance to Go Back in Time?

A couple of days back, a friend of mine asked me this question. And since then, this has been haunting me like anything!
Yes, you read that right- haunting. That’s because there’s always a long list of mistakes and choices that I wish I didn’t make! Choices that I wish I could’ve mended if were given time travel spells. Choices, that could’ve resulted in me being a very different person from what I am right now.
When you realize that some choices can never be undone once made, the weight of that regret can feel too much overbearing. However, the truth is that these set of mistakes that I made, shaped me into who I am today!
This blog here is an account of some of the biggest regrets of my past, that I wish to change if I could have the power to travel back in time.
The Quitter Temperament
Added to that, I also used to give up on my goals when I faced difficulties in achieving them. This resulted in me quitting table tennis, swimming, and martial arts! Truth be told, this was also the reason why I don’t understand mathematics to date!
I was a natural athlete when it came to any sport whatsoever. But the moment I saw, or felt that my natural talent needed to be honed enough to make a career out of sports, I gave up mid-way!
It took me a very long time to sacrifice this quitter mentality! So, if at present, I am given a spell to go back in time, I would be more strict with myself and my perseverance and would see what kind of a career awaits me in the realm of sports.
Choosing Commerce Over Humanities
Mathematics, as you know wasn’t my thing! And it wasn’t until I spent a whole year in Commerce that I realized that the whole finance thing is beyond my forte. But by that time, it was too late to switch streams. So, I had to continue with what I was doing and secured an average result in the finals.
If I had the luxury to use time spells, I would’ve definitely gotten back and ticked on the Humanities checkbox that day in the form. I would’ve secured a much better result and would’ve had a chance to sit among the eminent colleges in my city, and would’ve proudly boasted that I graduated from one of the most premium educational institutions!
Assumptions and Overthinking
Now when I look back at those days, I get amused by the amount of time I wasted just because I was too busy with my own assumptions! Whether it was for my studies, or some arguments with my friends, if I could have just stopped thinking, and clarified it directly, it would’ve been much better! That’s the third thing about me that I want to change if I’m given the power to go back in time spell.
Learn, Evolve, Embrace
I always feel what kind of a person I could’ve become if I didn’t make those mistakes?
I still don’t know the answer to this! But what I do know, is we all have made mistakes in the past. We all have regrets that can never be fulfilled in this life. Yet, at the same time, those mistakes helped me learn some of the most invaluable lessons that shaped me into the person that I have become now! And no amount of white magic spells can be enough to keep you happy, as long as you’re not embracing the present, and yourself.